Homework 2: Spread of COVID-19 in Brazil
The homework for this week encompasses reading a paper and answering some questions about it on Moodle.
The research article explores the impact of COVID-19 on Brazilian favelas, specifically in Rio de Janeiro. Using an agent-based model (ABM), the authors simulate the spread of the virus under different intervention scenarios, such as isolation of the elderly and young, alternating days of isolation, and full isolation. The study highlights the importance of considering socioeconomic disparities in epidemiological modeling, as favelas experience a higher transmission rate due to factors like overcrowding and limited sanitation. By comparing the effectiveness of various intervention strategies, the authors aim to provide insights for policymakers and public health officials on how to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in Brazil.
Answer the questions on Moodle (Week 3).
The time to complete the quiz is really short, so make sure you’ve read the paper completely before starting it!