Project 0: an Elevator Model

Dad joke to warm up
Dad joke to warm up


All models are ultimately unrealistic. In class we have discussed the intricate art of representing reality through models, and we came to the conclusion that models are not perfect, and they are charged with preassumptions and a recursive avalanche of definitions.

This first project (a small one) is not clear on purpose. I want to explore the many ways that different people might bring up diverse models. For that reason, I will be vague in my instructions.


In pairs, find some time outside of the class to create the following model:


People enter and leave an elevator as it travels up and down. Model, using whatever techniques you wish, the above scenario. Explicitly state your model and key assumptions.


Submit your model on Moodle, and prepare a 2-minute presentation of your model for the lecture on Friday, November 1st.

Grading Rubric

This project will count towards the grade for projects at the end of the course.