Lab 11: Hint 2

Defining BST::contains()

The stub of BST::contains() should look like this:

bool BST::contains(const Item& item) const {

The BST::contains() method should distinguish between the two cases:

  • If the BST is empty: return false.
  • Otherwise: “pass the buck” by returning whatever myRoot->contains(item) returns.

Designing Node::contains()

Since a Node is recursively defined, we might define Node::contains(item) recursively. One way to design a recursive algorithm for this method is as follows:

Basis. There are three trivial cases:

  • If item is equal to myItem:
    • Return true.
  • If item belongs in my left subtree and my left subtree is empty:
    • Return false.
  • If item belongs in my right subtree and my right subtree is empty:
    • Return false.

Induction Step. There are two cases:

  • If item belongs in my left subtree and my left subtree is not empty:
    • “Pass the buck” to the node in my left subtree and return whatever it returns.
  • If item belongs in my right subtree and my right subtree is not empty:
    • “Pass the buck” to the node in my right subtree and return whatever it returns.

Defining Node::contains()

These observations can be reorganized into the following algorithm for our Node::contains(item) method:

  1. If item is less than myItem:
    1. If myLeft is nullptr:
      1. Return false.
    2. Otherwise:
      1. “Pass the buck” by returning whatever myLeft->contains(item) returns.
  2. Otherwise, if item is greater than myItem:
    1. If myRight is nullptr:
      1. Return false.
    2. Otherwise:
      1. “Pass the buck” by returning whatever myRight->contains(item) returns.
  3. Otherwise (item is equal to myItem):
    1. Return true.