HW 01 - Pet names
Load packages and data
Exercise 1
There are ___ pets in the dataset.
Exercise 2
Remove this text, and add your answer for Exercise 2 here.
Exercise 3
Remove this text, and add your answer for Exercise 3 here.
seattlepets count(animal_name, sort = TRUE)
# A tibble: 13,930 × 2
animal_name n
<chr> <int>
1 <NA> 483
2 Lucy 439
3 Charlie 387
4 Luna 355
5 Bella 331
6 Max 270
7 Daisy 261
8 Molly 240
9 Jack 232
10 Lily 232
# … with 13,920 more rows
Exercise 4
Remove this text, and add your answer for Exercise 4 here.
# remove this comment and add the code for Exercise 4 here
Exercise 5
Remove this text, and add your answer for Exercise 5 here.
Exercise 6
Remove this text, and add your answer for Exercise 6 here.