Week 12: STL set and map containers

SLOs for Week 12

At the end of this unit, students will be able to…

  • describe the unique characteristics of the STL set container – e.g., that a set stores unique values in sorted order.
  • describe the time complexity of set container operations, like find, insert, remove.
  • write code using iterators to traverse all items in a set.
  • explain the behavior of an iterator.
  • describe the unique characteristics of the STL map container – e.g., that a map stores key, value pairs, with unique keys stored in sorted order.
  • describe the time complexity of map container operations, like find, insert, remove, and indexing/subscripting.
  • reason about the unique behavior of indexing in a map object.
  • write code using iterators to traverse all items in a map.

Slides, videos, and application exercises

Week 12: Slides

No readings for Week 12.

Lab 12: The STL set and map Containers

Project 12: No Project

Exam 4 Exam on Wednesday during class. Bring your laptop. Content: Weeks 0 - 11.